Our School's Advisory Board Meeting, which was held online at 11.30 on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, was attended by our Deputy Principal Lecturer. See. Dr. It was held under the moderation of Mustafa Göktaş and with the participation of our internal and external stakeholders. Our director Prof. Dr. Alpay Özer presented the general evaluation of our Vocational School for 2023 in his opening speech. At the meeting, the opinions of our Advisory Board Members were received to update the "Mission, Vision and Core Values" statements within the scope of our School's Strategic Plan. Additionally, curriculum updates within the scope of MEDEK were discussed within the framework of the Accreditation Studies of our Vocational School Programs. The meeting ended with the suggestions, wishes and wishes of our Advisory Board Members.
Visit to Our School from Aykon Pazarlama
Our School's "Unit Strategic Plan Monitoring Report" Meeting was Held
STG Engineering Strategic Technologies Development and Production Inc. We signed a protocol with
Our Vocational School and Departments/Programs were Introduced
A 2024 Quality Coordination Unit Visit was Made to Our School by Our University
Send us your opinions, requests and evaluations.